Quality Policy and Strategic Corporate Objectives

Quality Policy

CINEC Campus (Pvt) Ltd committed to facilitate requirements to fulfil stated quality standards in education, training, assessment and certification, endevour to satisfy needs and expectations of interested parties, implement strategic directives, comply with applicable requirements and consistently explore opportunities for implementation of continual improvements, through effective communication, motivation and ethical governance

Environmental Policy

The campus is committed to Conserve natural resources, manage waste, use renewable energy and prevent pollution and Adverse effects to the environment caused during our operations in compliance with applicable Central Environmental Authority Regulations.

Occupational Health & Safety Policy

The campus shall provide appropriate personnel protective equipment required for training courses. Knowledge, skills, attitude, awareness, monitoring & measurement considered to be requirements for improvement to ensure safe & healthy work environment.

Student Appeal Policy

The campus avails the opportunity for course delegates and customers to appeal against any decision taken by the academic board, or any member of staff in respect any disciplinary or other action which may be considered to be unfair, unjust or discriminatory.

Student counsellors shall be deemed to be the persons responsible to accept such appeals. The intention of this exercise is to resolve any dispute that may arise from such an appeal to be amicably resolved with the relevant employee or person considered to be responsible for the apparent unjust or unfair decision.

Equal Opportunities Policy

This address the needs and rights of everyone to be treated with respect, dignity without unfair discrimination.

No employee or student should receive less favoured treatment on the grounds of age, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, gender, marital status, parental status, disability, cast or creed, HIV status, social status or political beliefs.

Food Safety Policy

We at CINEC has a moral obligation to safeguard each other, and our customers by preparing and serving safe food, that is always safe to consume and to minimize food safety hazards.

 We shall always ensure compliance against regulatory and statutory requirements and assure our clients and customers that we are providing food which is safe to consume while meeting their quality expectations. To ensure continual improvement we shall train and refresh our employees.


Corporate Objective 01

Continually Upgrade Standards of Education, Training and Management of the organization.

Corporate Objective 02 –

Increase profitability by 12% by end of financial year 2023/2o24, in comparison to financial year 2022/ 2023

Corporate Objective 03 –

To develop appropriate competitive infrastructure, facilities, equipment and other human resources to deliver the enhanced programs and cater to the increasing number of students.

Corporate Objective 04 –

To move into new geographical markets local and international