DMU-CINEC Joint Academic Research Center
Name : Maritime Silk Road Joint Academic Research Centre
Label -code : MSR-JARC
The aim of JARU is to promote and undertake research publications in various academic disciplines practiced by both DMU and CINEC.
JARU is responsible for managing the research and publication process of CINEC and DMU. In discharging its responsibility, the JARU will carry out following duties.
i. Organize International Research conferences on disciplines mutually agreed by CINEC and DMU
ii. Publish Conference Proceedings to enhance the academic recognition of both institutes
iii. Publish a joint academic journal that covers most demanding themes locally and internationally
iv. Corresponds with authors, reviewers, and publishers
v. Organize/undertakes review of articles submitted to MSR-JARC
vi. Coordinates editorial, design and production aspects of a wide variety of materials for production, as well as post-production activities, such as mailing, registration of copyrights etc.
vii. Confers with authors on content, form, style, etc. and perform necessary manuscript revision
viii. Maintains contact with authors, printer, and others who are concerned with published work, following through on specified requests and tasks
ix. Ensures timely publication of accepted manuscripts.
As the key deliverable of the JARU both institutes will commit to conduct annual Joint Research Symposium of CINEC and DMU. It will be a unique event in the annual calendar of the CINEC and DMU. The Annual Research Symposium will be held alternatively in Sri Lanka and in China. The main objective of the Annual Research Symposium is to disseminate new knowledge acquired through research conducted by the academic community of the Universities. It is preferred to provide more emphasis on themes related to OBOR for this symposium. The initial policy level discussions in the meeting between presidents of DMU and CINEC was later extended at operative level. According to further discussions with Prof. Zhihong JIN, Dean of the Transportation Engineering College. JAPU will primarily focus on One Belt- One Road (OBOR) initiatives of Chinese government.
One Belt One Road (OBOR)
CINEC and DMU both understand potential of the OBOR project and respectfully understand the social responsibility they have as the two leading maritime training institutes represent both countries. In Sri Lanka, CINEC is the only education institute that directly collaborate with China in logistics and transport related education through DMU. The academic collaboration of Dalian Maritime University Sri Lanka through CINEC Maritime Campus has grown from strength to strengths during last two decades. Therefore, this combination is considered most effective and efficient mechanism to leverage and derive the maximum benefits to both institutes as well as to both countries in the bigger picture.
China is currently undertaking what it considers the largest project of the century — building a network of railroads and shipping lanes linking itself with 70 countries across Asia, Africa, Europe, and Oceania. The main focuses of the “Belt and Road” initiative — also known as “One Belt, One Road” — are in infrastructure, transportation, and energy. An investment bonanza
that is being made available under the OBOR (also referred to as the Belt and Road) initiative, especially the Maritime Silk Road, could revive the glory days of the ancient Silk Route for Sri Lanka.
The outward looking Belt and Road initiative, seeking common prosperity, will have a massively transformative impact on the economies of the vast Asian and African regions encompassing 68 countries with over 65% of the world’s population. It will be a closely related factor as Sri Lanka seeks to realise its own Vision 2025. Vision 2025 provides the development blueprint for the country for the next seven years. The OBOR goal, backed by China’s substantial economic clout, including through the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) which has 61 state members at present, will create significant opportunities for the entire region on which Sri Lanka should capitalise. Sri Lanka is a member of the AIIB. Sri Lanka’s abundant potential as an investment destination, especially its location in the middle of the Indian Ocean adjacent to one of the busiest sea lanes in the world and in the middle of the OBOR region, must be leveraged carefully by policy makers for national economic advancement. Historically, traders and casual visitors waxed eloquent on Sri Lanka’s potential. Ibn Battuta, the Moor from Tangiers, who visited the island in the 14th century, was not wrong by much when he observed that this was the most beautiful island on earth and was only 40 leagues from paradise. That paradise, which has not been lost yet, must be preserved despite the race to modernize, and achieve a higher level of sustainable prosperity for the people of the country as they seek to climb up the development ladder.
Fundamentals and Formalities of the MSR-JARC
Research publications are exceptionally important: “They are a critical contribution to extending the university’s national and international reputation as an excellent research institution and provide a significant contribution to both countries.
The MSR-JARC is established with the aim of promoting innovation and excellence in research in DMU and CINEC. The activities of the Joint Research Unit are aimed at encouraging the staff at various stages of their career and disseminating research findings both locally and globally as well as provide leadership to students in academic publication and coach them through the publication process.
The Mission of the JARU of DMU and CINEC is to promote excellence in research to make a significant contribution towards knowledge enhancement and national and international development for the wellbeing of the mankind through fostering knowledge-based society with better understanding of the environment and conservation of nature for sustainability of economic growth. It also emphasises the indispensable nature of being aware and inquisitive as academics about colossal projects such as the OBOR.
i. Strategically develop synergy between DMU and CINEC for academic excellence
ii. Encourage publication in any journal or symposium recognized by MSR-JARC
iii. Encourage publication of Books recognized by MSR-JARC
iv. Contribute actively toward achieving internationally recognized research-excellence.
v. Foster collaboration with international researchers worldwide.
vi. Encourage diversification of scholarly outcomes.