Diploma in Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences has successfully initiated a Diploma in Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Science. It is a professional pathway for students who are seeking to obtain higher qualifications up to degree level. Participants will greatly benefit from the experience of undergoing the educational programs offered by the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences CINEC Campus, Malabe. This Diploma is designed for students to develop a good understanding of industrial pharmacy and cosmetic science in general and the importance of applying the knowledge and skills into the practice in the pharmaceutical industry and cosmetic science field in Sri Lanka and other countries.
Course Type
Part Time
Course Commencement Dates
January 2023
1 year: 2 semester programs mixed with blended learning modules
Course Modules
Semester 01 | |
DPC1113 |
Biochemistry |
DPC1123 |
Chemistry |
DPC1133 |
Anatomy and Physiology I |
DPC1143 |
Introduction to the Pharmaceutical & Cosmeceutical industry |
DPC1153 |
Good manufacturing practices |
DPC1163 |
Pharmaceutical & Cosmeceutical unit operations |
Semester 02 | |
DPC1213 |
Anatomy and physiology II |
DPC1223 |
Pharmaceutical & Cosmeceutical materials and dispensing |
DPC1233 |
Pharmaceutical & Cosmeceutical microbiology |
DPC1243 |
Pharmacology |
DPC1253 |
Dermatology |
Entry Requirements
- Sat for GCE (A/L) Sri Lankan/ London in Biology stream (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics/Agriculture) with a credit pass for English in G.C.E (O/L) /or a simple pass for English in GCE (A/L) Sri Lankan/ London
- Sat for GCE (A/L) Sri Lankan/ London in Biosystem technology or Mathematics or Commerce or Arts stream with a credit pass for English in G.C.E (O/L) /or a simple pass for English in GCE (A/L) Sri Lankan/ London
- Completed GCE (O/L) with a credit pass for English and a recognized advanced certificate in Pharmacy/ Pharmaceutical/ Cosmetic sciences (SLQF 2)
- Completion of the CINEC Advanced Certificate of Health Sciences (SLQF 2) (this is not necessary for students with 3 passes for A/L in Bio Science Stream as mentioned above or for students with Advanced Certificate course with SLQF 2 in Pharmacy/ Pharmaceutical/ Cosmetic sciences with GCE O/L as mentioned above)