CINEC International Research Symposium (CIRS) 2024
CINEC International Research Symposium (CIRS) 2024 of CINEC Campus, Malabe, Sri Lanka, offers an unparalleled platform for undergraduates, academics, and esteemed scholars worldwide to present and exchange their valuable insights, groundbreaking research findings, and innovative ideas. Held annually, this symposium upholds the highest standards of academic excellence, fostering an intellectually stimulating environment that encourages collaboration, diverse perspectives, and the discovery of transformative solutions.
The theme for CIRS 2024 is “Industry, Innovation, and Inclusion: The 21st Century Way Forward”, reflecting the commitment to advancing research that aligns with contemporary global challenges and opportunities. The symposium features faculty-specific tracks in diverse disciplines such as Engineering, Maritime Sciences, Aviation, Health Sciences, and Humanities and Education. It invites papers that showcase cutting-edge research, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and cross-border collaborations.
Participants will benefit from engaging keynote speeches, thought-provoking plenary sessions, and dynamic poster presentations delivered by renowned academics and scholars. The symposium proceedings and selected abstracts will be published in the CINEC Symposium Proceedings, with outstanding contributions considered for publication in the CINEC Academic Journal.
By participating in CIRS 2024, undergraduates and researchers can enhance their academic careers, gain global recognition, and contribute to shaping the future of their fields. This symposium is not just an event—it is a milestone in advancing academic and research excellence, connecting visionary minds, and pioneering innovative pathways for the 21st century.
Abstract Template and Guideline
Abstract – The abstract should be written in Times New Roman, 12pt size font and the document should be single-line spaced. The word limit should not exceed 300 words. Top, Bottom, and Right margins of the page should be set to 2.5 cm, and the left margin should be 3 cm. The fonts, sizes, and styles for the title, names of authors, affiliations, should be as shown in the header of the paper. The affiliation should include the department/s and faculty/ies of the author/s. The name of the presenting author should be underlined. The corresponding author (the author in contact with the Symposium Coordinators) should be identified with a <#> sign above the author’s name and his/her e-mail address should be provided as indicated above. Abstracts should be submitted in Microsoft® Word format.
The abstract should briefly point out the research problem, objectives, methodology/ experimental design, results and discussion, and conclusion. Do not include section headings in the abstract. Citations, References, Figures, and Tables should not be included in the abstract.
The Word Document containing the abstract should be named as follows:
Initial Surname Symposium Track.docx
(Example: A Perera Humanities and education.docx).
Note that submissions that do not follow the requirements detailed above will be rejected.
Keywords: Please add a minimum of three keywords separated by commas.