3rd International Research Symposium of CINEC Campus (CIRS-2022)
The 3rd Research Symposium of CINEC Campus Campus (CIRS-2022) “Transforming Innovation for Sustainable Development” was held on the 10th of November 2022. The event was graced by the Chief Guest – Senior Professor Sampath Amarathunga, Chairman of the University Grant Commission Sri Lanka.
The major objective of the International Symposium is to provide a Knowledge-Based Dialogue to deliver the most required policy measures and strategic management applications to strengthen sustainable development in Sri Lanka, under the main theme on “Transforming Innovation for Sustainable Development”.
he symposium Chair of the CIRS 2022 Professor (Dr.) Lalith Edirisinghe and the team in consultation with respective Deans of six faculties created individual tracks for the plenary sessions well thought under the main theme given above. Accordingly, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences introduced a track namely, “Resilience Building and Entrepreneur Innovation for Sustainable Development: A story yet to explore” while Faculty of Engineering and Technology proposed “Innovations for Sustainable Development” as their track. Third track, “Technology push with society change; reframing health society relationship” was created by Faculty of Health Sciences, the youngest faculty of CINEC Campus. The faculty of maritime sciences and Faculty of Marine Engineering proposed two tracks namely, “Sustainable development of Shipping for world economy, promoting safer ships and cleaner oceans” and “Sailing through dynamic challengers with knowledge and discipline towards excellence and superiority” respectively. Faculty of Humanities and Education introduced the sixth track “Employing current trends in education for sustainable development: The role of humanities and education” .
CIRS 2022 has received 211 abstracts from local and international universities.